Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Technology Overload

Technology was invented for the sake of convenience. It's supposed to make things more accessible, it's supposed to help you get work done. And it did originally I suppose. The invention of the computer was a great thing. The worldwide web allowed you to receive information by typing in a search term, and suddenly you had twenty search results related to your subject. There was no longer a reason to spend an entire afternoon in the library pouring through books, everything you needed was on your screen. It revolutionized information, it was a miracle! Is it still though? I typed in the term "information overload" into google and got 7.5 million search results. It's ironic, I suppose, but it's also overwhelming. How do you suck that pipette full of pure and helpful water out of the tainted salty ocean? There are so many opinions and false facts suspended out there in cyber space. How do you sort out the real information?

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