Wednesday, May 23, 2012


I don't when the word iPod became synonymous with video games, but that's what it has evolved to. Music has become a side note to the addictive multitasking people use iTouches for.
Multitasking is not a skill, it's a bad habit. Not only does the quality of your work go down, but it also takes more time. When you set aside time for each project your focus level is higher, you can easily sit down and finish your work in a timely manner, but when you multitask distractions are always present. Ultimately if you do not multitask the work takes less time, and the quality is higher. So why wouldn't you just sit down and finish your work? I blame accessibility. Everything is so easily accessed that it's hard to ignore. For example if you want to text a friend on your iPhone about a project, but when you open the phone and there are three new emails, Facebook notifications and inboxes, and you've been tagged in three new tweets it's hard to ignore. Even if you do put your phone down it's often an itch in the back of your mind. Who was trying to contact me? What if they had something important to say? All of a sudden you're surfing through four different social media sights and trying to do your project at the same time. It's so easy to get sucked in.

This article shows some negative side effects of multitasking. Something I found interesting from reading this article is that most of the side effects of multitasking are also symptoms of ADD. So multitasking could give you, or exacerbate your ADD.

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